Thursday, December 29, 2016

Out with the old, in with the new!

Frequent visitors to the site may have noticed that we've undergone some changes recently. As a part of our continued efforts to prepare for the launch of the Aethera Campaign Setting we've spruced up our website! Browse around and explore a little slice of what Aethera has to offer, and be sure to check out our announced products list, located at the top of the page. We've announced several new titles that we're excited to be publishing next year.

For those wondering when the official release date of the Aethera Campaign Setting will be, we're on track for an early 2017 release date and we'll have an announcement on an exact day and some build up towards it soon! Backers who supported the Aethera Campaign Setting on Kickstarter will be receiving their copies a little earlier than you'll be able to pick it up in stores.

That said, if you're looking to get your hands on some material to see what the Aethera Campaign Setting is all about, check out the Early Access Guide available at any of the online retailers listed on the left navigation bar (or from the Early Access Guide in the product schedule).

We'll have some more updates in the future and we can't wait to share them with you! Let's all hope 2017 is a better year for everyone. Happy Holidays and a merry New Year from all of us at Encounter Table Publishing!